The first evidence which is accidently discovered in the California laboratory in 1929, is the red shift. The concept of red shift is that if the source of light is moving away from the earth the color of the light is red due to the wavelength. The red shift supports the idea that the galaxies are moving away from us. It also suggests that the universe is indeed expanding. Meanwhile the second evidence that supports Big Bang theory is the radio waves that were heard by the two scientists in 1969 in New Jersey. The sound that the two scientists heard are said to be the “echo from the dawn of time.” To explain the concept related to CMB, the sound of an approaching train can be used as an example. As the train comes nearer, the frequency of the sound is higher. Aside from these evidences, scientists tried to identify the particle that causes matter to have a mass in a very expensive experiment using LHC. Scientists claim that the said particle is fundamental in the creation as explained by the Big Bang Theory. [Big Bang Theory]
The ideas mentioned above are the things that I was able to understand as I watched the documentary movie about the Big Bang theory. Despite the confusion in understanding the ideas, I still find the Big Bang theory interesting. Indeed, the discovery of the evidences that support the Big Bang Theory is just a part of mankind’s search on how everything came into