All Christians will have different beliefs on whether evolution and the Big Bang theory really occurred. Both are supported by strong evidence and there will never be a time when everyone believes in one same, particular answer.
An argument to say that evolution and the Big Bang did not occur include, God creating the universe with seven days. In the book of Genesis nothing about an explosion was mentioned and everything was made by God. Many strong Christians chose to take this belief, ruling out any theory of the big bang and everything was created by God. An opposing belief is that the book of Genesis should not be interpreted literally. For example, how could the first two days of creation take place if there was no night and no day?
Another thought is that God made the Big Bang happen, and used this to bring all life to the world. It was his way of creation, and the creation story is just a simpler version of what really happened. Scientists can debate saying why would God make it so complicated, if he is omnipotent and omniscient then why could he not just create the world as simply as it is described in the book of Genesis? Why did he have to go to such extremes?
Some people believe that only science is correct. There is no evidence of the seven days of creation except by word, whereas all theories of evolution and the Big Bang have a large amount of evidence, and hundreds of hours of research dedicated to them. Evolution and the Big Bang have explanations for and biological reasons, whereas why would a God suddenly decide to make a universe and planet for living organisms?
Very religious people say that nobody should believe in the Big Bang. It is theory and a theory is an idea. There is no proof of the explosion that began the world. There were no eye-witnesses to the big bang, whereas the seven days of creation where received by God and written down.
I am a Christian and I believe in both the