We learn in the bible that he would perform miraculous wonder in front off all the nations. We then see how he rose from the dead and walked all around the world preaching and teaching for 30 days. Also when he ascends into heaven the whole world was able to see his glory shine. This is a show on how what was prophesied came to live. How what was in the word became flesh and dwelled among us (John 1:1). To this day reading God’s word surprises me and shows how real and alive God is. The last prophecy I want to talk about is Jesus coming back. My eighth grade class is doing a study on the book of revelation, which talks about the end times. This prophecy has not been fulfilled yet but I feel like the way our world is going, that it is coming soon. It says how God will start putting the nation's to the test. To me this makes me happy but yet worried because I want to make sure I am prepared for the end times. I know one day this prophecy will come to be fulfilled, I just hope I am prepared. I know in the bible there are many more prophecies about Christmas time and what Jesus plans to do. I hope during this time or love and fellowship, we can also acknowledge the sacrifices Christ made for
We learn in the bible that he would perform miraculous wonder in front off all the nations. We then see how he rose from the dead and walked all around the world preaching and teaching for 30 days. Also when he ascends into heaven the whole world was able to see his glory shine. This is a show on how what was prophesied came to live. How what was in the word became flesh and dwelled among us (John 1:1). To this day reading God’s word surprises me and shows how real and alive God is. The last prophecy I want to talk about is Jesus coming back. My eighth grade class is doing a study on the book of revelation, which talks about the end times. This prophecy has not been fulfilled yet but I feel like the way our world is going, that it is coming soon. It says how God will start putting the nation's to the test. To me this makes me happy but yet worried because I want to make sure I am prepared for the end times. I know one day this prophecy will come to be fulfilled, I just hope I am prepared. I know in the bible there are many more prophecies about Christmas time and what Jesus plans to do. I hope during this time or love and fellowship, we can also acknowledge the sacrifices Christ made for