Over the last century we have witnessed a decrease of nearly 10 percentage snow cover and a 10 - 15 percentage decrease rn spring and summersea - ice in the northem hemisphere.
Others obserued changes that have linked to climate include longer growing seasons, increases in rainfall and rainfallintensity in the northem hemisphere, and shtt?s in when ice freezes and breaks up on rivers and lakes. The global average surface temperatures could increase 1.4% to, 5.8%io C by 2100. Daily maximum and minimum temperatures will increase as well as the number of hot days with /ess cold and frosty days. The gtobal average precipitation and evaperation rs a/so expected to increase by about one to nine percent. The intensity of weather events r's a/so …show more content…
likely to increase, with greater extremes of both flooding and drougttt.Therefore, globalelimate has been changing and still continue to change. Over a period of time, climatic fluctuations may such as that, a shift in a type of climate prevailing over a given area, fakes place.
For an example: The Climatic Fluctuations refer to time scales and can only be used within such time sca/es, The evidence of past climatic change is many and varied, such as biological.
One City and State that is and still being encounterd with climate change is Myfile Beach,
South Carolina. For an example of the relationship between weather and climafe t's a hunicane. El Nino. lt landed on shores of the beaches in South Carolina and sunounding towns a decade ago. El Nino, which is weather local, short-term problems as well as with global, long-term importance. El Nino brought a dry summer for some regions and wet winter far others. The effects ( aftermath ) of the huricane brought many tears, dissapointments, death occured, flooding on beaches and marshes, the salt water flowed into coastal rivers and freshwater aquifers and it took years to recover or rebuild Myrtle Beach and surrounding areas. Very costly too! tthink in my opinion we as people are the cause of climate change and globalwarming. Why?
Because ctimate involves the intire climatic system including the hydrosphere,
lithosphere, biosophere, atmosphere and cry sphere. lt affects geamorphologic process, soilformatian process, ptant growth and development. We influence on climate through activities and are always changing the atmospheric conditions, We are the enemy and polluter of the environment. Think about it..the energy balance of our planet is affected by the changes of the atmosphere as a result of our production activities. More people use mare naturalresources, cut down frees, use more fossrT fuels, produces more waste, builds mare roads, dams and crtres, pollutes more soil, water and air and polutes more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.'which may lead to the ozone depletion and globalwarming damaging the entire