
Essay On Community College Should Be Free

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Essay On Community College Should Be Free
College education should be affordable for students who wish to attend, graduate, then a good career. A New York Times article, Carlos Escanilla thought he was one of those people who didn’t think they wouldn’t go to college. But Escanilla’s friend told him that he should apply at the nearest University. So Carlos did apply for college and he loves the education he had received. The New York Times states in paragraph ten that those who attend a four year state school than a Community College is more likely to have more ambition than other students who attend a Community College. Back in January President Obama made a proposal of having Community Colleges being free for two years. Community College shouldn’t be free because there are so many issues and problems that can lead up. …show more content…
However, it isn’t worth the money right now for the United States because we are in about $1.3 trillion dollars in debt. The article “Free Tuition: Laudable, Unaffordable. Editorial.” By Orlando Sentinel, mention that if the federal government has the money to actually spend on students they would be successfully prepared, but they aren’t ready. In reality United States is in so much debt according to the article we simply just can’t spend billions of dollars to have free tuition for two years. We already give low income students free money to just have a seat. Orlando Sentinel also states that President Obama still hasn’t mentioned anymore about the financial or any other details about this proposal. But he only mention that Washington will pay seventy-five percent of the cost, and depending on the states, they would pay twenty-five percent. Community college shouldn’t be free because some schools may lack the organization it should and how many students are attending that school. Plus United States can’t afford every students having a free education at a Community

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