
Essay On Concussions

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Essay On Concussions
Concussions are a very difficult subject. So many different opinions and personal accounts. They come in many different levels and severities that it’s hard to understand. Anyone who has had a concussion has experienced the after effects such as headaches, dizziness, short term loss of memory, etc. Concussions are not good. Not one bit. They can cause many long term problems. Many ex-football players have had many brain problems and even some have committed suicide from these concussions.
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that alters the way your brain functions. Effects are usually temporary, but can include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance and coordination. Although concussions usually are caused by a blow
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This trauma, which includes multiple concussions, triggers progressive degeneration of the brain tissue, including the build-up of an abnormal protein called tau. These changes in the brain can begin months, years, or even decades after the last concussion or end of active athletic involvement. The brain degeneration is associated with memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, paranoia, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, and, eventually, progressive dementia.
Saying that, the NFL should be doing more for concussions. Yes the sport is violent. Yes they chose to play the sport, but you have to look at it like they aren’t just players, they’re everyday people like us. They won’t be playing fifteen years down the road. The NFL should be helping these athletes for later in life. They may be making millions of dollars, but they won’t have that income when they’re out of the league. Now I’m not saying that all athletes need this support, but say some of them would need it then I would like to see the league step in and
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Maybe it’s wrong for me to say that to some people because the sport is too “violent”, but it’s in my blood. I want my son to have the same opportunities as I did. Football provides support from your team, it keeps you active and healthy, keeps you strong, and it teaches discipline.
The helmets that these athletes are wearing are improving day by day. The different technologies being used and the recent studies on how the brain moves when impacted is getting better as well. The use of different pads and how the pads move when impacted changes every year. Concussions will never go away, but the league can help improve the helmets that are being used. Companies have devoted to researching how the brain functions to help prevent concussions.
I read an article of about Steve Young were they were discussing concussions. He made a point that kind of stuck with me. He said a way to reduce concussions would be take away the helmets and see how many of them would go head to head anymore. It really makes sense. Players would be forced to tackle correctly and be safer. Now that’s not to say that some players will still be crazy enough to do so, but in a way it could make the game safer. I think in today’s game with the helmets improving that the athletes become more risky with the hits because they feel more

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