Credit cards are very useful in emergency situations, so it is good to have at least one. Put it away where you will not be tempted to use it for everyday purchases. Cut up excess credit cards so that you are not using them and going deeper into debt. It is important to control your spending so that you do not end up in financial trouble.
The credit rating companies will lower your credit score if you have a large amount of credit card debt, even if you have never missed a payment or been a single day late on any credit card payment. Even though that does not seem fair, the credit card companies do penalize you and there is nothing that you can do about it, except avoid having credit card debt. Another factor that will cause your credit score to suffer is the amount of credit accounts that you have open. With all of the offers to open a new credit card …show more content…
They will be able to assist you with the best program for your financial situation, as well as relief from the phone calls of your creditors. After you review your financial situation with a debt consultant, they will arrange an affordable monthly payment in order to pay back your creditors. They will make this payment affordable for you bu contacting each of your credit card companies and arranging for lower interest rates and fees for your credit accounts. Each month you will make one payment to the debt consolidation company and they will make sure that your creditors are paid the correct amount each