Taking money from the rich people and give it to the poor people is just discouraging people from working hard, but some people disagree with this and think that poor people have troubles every day in all things. They need to feed their children and educate them and find shelter for them and they need to find a job if they don't have a miserable one. Some of the rich people at least, worked very hard for their money, but they should show so and help the poor, being even fairer. It doesn't matter how much tax you pay, or how much you earn every month, you will receive the same benefit that everyone else will have whether they earn more or less or pay more or less in tax.
It is unfair to pay more for the same service as people who pay less. It is silly to force someone to pay extra taxes because they're rich. It is like communism. It would be an opinion if someone wants to pay more tax and it would be considered prestigious. This will solve all problems and it will help the economy if it mainstream, but some people disagree with this and think that rich people should pay higher taxes because some people can't even afford groceries or to pay their bills. They are paying the same thing as the rich people so this is not fair for poor people to pay the same as rich …show more content…
people. The rich people doesn't have to increase the tax rate on them.
The government have to treat all the citizens equally. When you are paying tax you are likely buying services from the government. You are buying security and education for your kids. So services should be equally provided for all citizens and in the same cost. Flat tax would ensure that everyone is treated equally, but some people disagree with this and think that How would you feel about becoming poor and not being able to get a job? I'm sure that you would hate that. The poor come from low income. I think people with the income of $80,000 a year is not like the one who gets $220,000 a