The british and the german used a lot the machine guns, but mostly as a defensive purpose. The germans were a lot more convinced of the machine gun, than the british.
How many rounds could the machine gun shoot?
The machine guns could shoot 450 rounds in one minute. But because the machine gun wasn't fully mellowed at this time, the device quickly overheated and therefore they used a cooling jacket.
How did the machine gun work?
Gas is produced when the gunpowder explodes. It creates a recoil of the weapon, which makes the machine gun go fully automatic, without any external power. The machine gun was very heavy, which did not make it mobile. WIth 62kg a machine gun was not light weighted.
How efect were the …show more content…
Because of the heaviness of the machine gun, it was not easy to walk or even run with it. As well it was not very precise in shooting. The machinegun was very often put on a tripod, which required a crew of four people to control the device. But of course, through the battle, people invented lighter machine guns, which weighed only around 12 kg. But still many soldiers did not take a machine gun as an attack weapon, because it was too bulky and it had still too many errors. Instead, more often tanks or armored cars were equipped with machine guns.
What impact did machine guns have on World War 1?
The biggest impact in World war one was that millions of more soldiers died, because the machine gun wa so effective. Soldiers charged forward in waves, to kill their enemies. This was very effective, because the enemies could just shoot one person a time, with their rifle. One gun could effectively stop an attack in one area, because of the high shooting rate.
Which types of machine gun did they use?
There were two very popular types of machine guns in WW1, which was the watercooled one and the air cooled one. The watercooled machine gun was used more. There was a vest with water in it, to cool the device down. If the water went out, soldiers peed in the