Introduction to safeguarding
First of all, safeguarding is protecting an adult from harm, therefore is working with vulnerable adults. However, there must be a good understanding of safeguarding, this will therefore enable the service user to be entitled to protection. This indicates if abuse is happening, or is suspected, it could therefore help to find if the individual is at risk, therefore the individual’s safety is taken into measure.
7 types of abuse that will be discussed in further detail are physical, emotional, neglect, discrimination, bullying, sexual and domestic abuse.
Abuse is words or actions that harm an individual physically, emotionally ,sexually, financial, self – neglect and …show more content…
Also, this type of abuse is violent, for example, beating, muscular pain from restrain, slapping, scratches, blisters and rough handling. Physical abuse is also known as deliberately hurting one, therefore can cause an individual to have a loss of self – confidence.
Emotional abuse is a form of mental abuse, also known as psychological abuse. This form of abuse involves damaging an individual’s health, and development in their life. It involves intentionally to humiliate, or even scare, ignore and isolate an individual. This form of abuse can resulting psychological trauma such as anxiety or post – traumatic stress disorder.
Discriminatory abuse is when an individual is questioned on norms and values, culture and beliefs. This type of abuse is influenced from many different ways, such as age, gender, religion, class, language and sexuality. Therefore, the situation exploits an individual’s vulnerability, it excludes the person from the opportunities that they have as an citizen, for example, individual’s are entitled to justice and access to services of