to. An example, someone who is in prison cannot do things as if he or she is free. We are responsible for ourselves and our actions, without determinism, we could never be morally responsible, our choices wouldn’t mean anything.
Technically without free will or determinism period there wouldn’t be moral responsibility. It seems to be kind of a contradiction because how can we both be free and be determined right? However as a Christian I was raised to believe that if you do good, you go to heaven and if you do bad (sin) you go to hell. So God gives us the choice to do what we want really, and he also gives us chance after chance to do right. Just because the pastor at the church tells me what I should be doing does not necessarily mean I have to do it at that time. The pastor’s job is to influence me to go to heaven, to follow in his footsteps but he does not control whether I go to heaven or hell the choice is between God and I. Furthermore, soft determinism and why I agree with it is, growing up my influencers really didn’t influence me to go in the right direction in life. I didn’t have a father, he left when I was a young child and my biological mother is a drug addict. If I wasn’t free to do what I wanted and make my own choices I could’ve ended up the same as my parents but since I have my own freedom and I am responsible for my own actions I turned the negative to a positive and now I am a college honors student writing to you
today! How can people want freedom if it doesn’t exist, according to hard determinism? An example Dr. Ford explained, “If we hunger we want food and if we are thirsty we want something to drink.” If we are to be hungry or thirsty we have to know that food and liquids exist and if they didn’t we wouldn’t hunger or thirst. In addition, in countries like Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom, Iceland and Austria the healthcare is free. In America we have to pay for our healthcare. Sure we have things like Obama Care but majority have to pay for healthcare and how we want free healthcare but I reality if we didn’t know that healthcare could be free we wouldn’t ask for it to be.