Interjections made by these children are sometimes mistaken by parents and others as a child’s normal process of developing their speech and vocabulary. Nevertheless, stuttering continues into late childhood and sometimes appears in adults, where if not treated will forever affect the individual’s life. This misconception and myths have accompanied the understanding the concept of stuttering. It is believed that persons stutter out of habit and that that habit can be easily broken if need be. According to the National Stuttering Association (NSA), stuttering is not out of habit, but “because stuttering is a neurological condition, many, if not most, people who stutter as older children or adults will continue to do so—in some fashion—even when they work very hard at changing their speech.” Others believe that as individuals continue to develop their stuttering would eventually disappear with
Interjections made by these children are sometimes mistaken by parents and others as a child’s normal process of developing their speech and vocabulary. Nevertheless, stuttering continues into late childhood and sometimes appears in adults, where if not treated will forever affect the individual’s life. This misconception and myths have accompanied the understanding the concept of stuttering. It is believed that persons stutter out of habit and that that habit can be easily broken if need be. According to the National Stuttering Association (NSA), stuttering is not out of habit, but “because stuttering is a neurological condition, many, if not most, people who stutter as older children or adults will continue to do so—in some fashion—even when they work very hard at changing their speech.” Others believe that as individuals continue to develop their stuttering would eventually disappear with