The first reason it should be read is it portrays the life of kids that are around our age. It’s a eye opener, what I mean by this is it shows you that not only you are going through hardships in your life, which can be very relatable to some students. For example one connection students could make is they might have been beaten just like Johnny was by a 2 x 4. Another connection students could make is to Ponyboy, he lost his parents so he lives with …show more content…
For example, when Johnny and Pony were brought back to the church by Dallas and they saw the church was on fire, so they ran up there and saved the children and people inside. The author demonstrates real life situations with her writing as she did with the fire. Another example is when the groups had the rumble. If one guy was getting beat up really badly they would go and help fight back, both groups did this. This shows readers that you should have each others backs when they are in dire need.
Although there is reasons to read “The Outsiders” some may still argue not to read it at our age and level. Stephen May, a reviewer, argued that there was too much violence and gang related topics. But if you look out your window today or simply walk down the street you see violence and graffiti on bridges and walls. A student at Lone Star Elementary in California wrote that she didn’t like being exposed to all the references to alcohol, drugs and sex. But eventually you are going to be exposed to those things if students have already not, it’s a part of growing up.
In conclusion you should read “The Outsiders”. It is full of shocking and heartwarming events. In reality everyone will be exposed to the things the kids do in the story, unless you live in a bubble, so why not start