Certificate in Business (QCF)
Assignment Title: Essay on Theoretical Understanding and Practical Application of Advertising and Promotion in Business
Unit Code: Y/601/1000
By Ivanka Davidova
Task 1: The Scope of Marketing Communications
1.1 Explain the marketing communication process that applies to the advertising and promotion of business.
In order to explain how marketing communication process effects on the advertising and promotion of business, let’s briefly review the process of marketing communication. This is essentially the method of promoting an organization’s product to the market. It could be also understood as the activity of conveying information to potential customers about services that a company offers. The main objectives of the marketing communication are to create and sustain demands and preferences for a certain product, and to reduce the sales cycle. For that reason, a marketing communication process must be followed in order to reap proper benefits. Here is a simple overview of how this process will look like:
Review, analyze and evaluate the company’s database information, the product value on the market, position and build a brand for the core elements: product, pricing and distribution, and last but not least important – an overview of potential competitors; Analyze of communication process (establish communication goals and objectives, communicate the message in an attractive and understandable way for the targeted customer);
Determine budget for the marketing communication process;
Transfer mechanism or what type of advertisement will be used (Direct marketing, Internet marketing, Sales promotions, Public Relations, Television ads, Personal selling, etc.);
Capture the customer’s response (interpret, monitor and evaluate how the message has been received by looking at the customer’s feedback);
Reducing the sales cycle is a process, by which the company offering certain product understands the