Violence as an act of aggression directed toward persons at work or on duty, ranging from offensive or threatening language to homicide. (2002 p.1). Violence has many forms that nurses may experience. These forms are : physical assault especially during night shifts and weekends ,according to Gack-Smith et al,. 2009, Talas et al,.2011 that include; pushing, being kicked, slapped, scratched and beaten, objects thrown at or assaulted with a weapon, Gacki-Smith et al,( 2009) in their study found that female nurses are prone to physical violence than male nurses do, while Talas et al, referring to other studies reported …show more content…
The main perpetrators for violence as most studies indicate are: families of patients, visitors, patients themselves especially the intoxicated, disruptive and psychiatric patients Talas et al , (2011) and Ramacciati et al.,(2014) and that what Abu Ali, N (2007) indicated in his study that main perpetrators of violence were relatives, followed by patients. But what we mustn't forget as an occupied population is that nurses also may be a victims of attack from Israeli soldiers especially after political