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Ethical Actions

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Ethical Actions
Ethical Actions Worksheet

Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions:

• Was there anything in either the University Of Phoenix Student Code Of Conduct or the Student Code of Academic Integrity that surprised you? If so, what was it? Why were you surprised? If not, why not? No I can’t say that there was anything that really surprised me, I do think rules are important and they do need to be followed as young adults or older we will soon learn that even in the work place we have rules, rather we agree with them or not we as responsible adults have to follow them, At first it did shock me that if I had lunch and brought a knife with me to cut my apple I couldn’t, after thinking about it I realize some people have anger issues and that same knife you came to school with to cut your apple with could easily turn into a weapon, We never know what anyone is capable of these days and I think this is one reason rules are put into place. Earlier on in life we learn we have rules to follow in elementary school, middle school and high school and I don’t think college should be no different.

• What did you learn about the behaviors considered important for an ethical learner or student in the University of Phoenix learning community? What stood out for me the most about the behaviors that is important for the ethical learner would have to be, you don’t have to be in school and can be in violation of the rules by easily finding out something about one of team members in confidence and then going on Facebook and talking about whatever it is that was personal to a group of people to cause embarrassment, I do think this kind of behavior is unacceptable and should not be tolerated but we must agree it does happen, so yes this is one very important rule to me. I do think it all comes down to respect, treating people the way you would like to be treated, if we can get this it would make it easier for everyone.

• Why are the Student Code of Conduct and Student Code of Academic Integrity important to you and the University of Phoenix learning community? I believe the reason the student code of conduct and integrity is important because it makes it an easier and better environment not only for the students to learn but the teachers to teach as well. University of phoenix also does team work so there is some exchanging of numbers and emails and this could easily turn into something else if the rules didn’t apply, but because they do people will think twice before doing anything crazy, It has a lot to do with the safety of the teachers as well as students, I really think rules are important where ever you go, In life there will always be rules to follow.

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