Ethical Practices in Business
There are many reasons to have ethical practices in a business; your employees would essentially do whatever that wanted, without any regard for punishment. This is why most companies have policies and procedures that are in place to keep employees focused and accountable. First, sexual harassment/harassment in the work-place, rules have been set in place to keep this from happening, and to be able to hold the harasser accountable for their actions. Secondly, code of conduct, the way you dress may distract potential customers from their business, if they were essentially able to wear anything they wanted. Furthermore, integrity is an important factor, such as honesty and trustworthiness. Having good ethical practices in a business are very important from a small business to a large company, these are standards that make businesses more successful, from the way your employee acts to the way they dress and here’s why. “Sexual harassment is bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. In most modern legal contexts, sexual harassment is illegal.” Most companies have sexual harassment/harassment policies to protect their employees from any co-worker or supervisor from trying to engage in unlawfully sexual advances towards them. An example of sexual harassment would be, vulgar language, jokes, touching inappropriately, that you would find offensive. Sexual harassment/harassment can also be reported by third parties, which would be someone else witnessing the incident and reporting it. For these reasons stated, this is why good ethical practices on sexual harassment or harassment are important in the business world today. The next reason for having ethical practices is the code of conduct or business conduct when working on the job. While some business require very few, others require many more, such as, attendance, dress code, and using amenities to name a few. Attendance is
References: Collins English Dictionary-Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition 2009, William Collins Sons & Con Ltd. 1979,1986 Harper Collins Publishers 1998,2000,2003, 2005,2006, 2007, 2009. Integrity,, Viewed on 02-20-2013., Sexual harassment, Page modified on 02-22-2013, Viewed 02-22-2013.