Peta is an extremist group, and most people have at the very least have heard of them. Most people have an idea of what they are about. Many people are interested in treating animals with respect and responsibility, but a lot of these same people feel that Peta goes too far.
Peta has been named by varying government ran organizations such as the USDA, have named Peta as being terrorists. If you have ever seen some of the demonstrations that Peta has done you might see why. On their own website it states very clearly, “Almost all of us grew up eating meat, wearing leather, and going to circuses and zoos. We never considered the impact of these actions
References: Morrison, Adrian R. (2002). Perverting medical history in the service of "animal rights". Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 45(4), 606-619. Retrieved February 22, 2011, from Project MUSE database. People for the Ethical Treatment or Animals (2011) retrieved from Peta, Center for Consumer Freedom (2003) Anti-PETA Ads Win Popular Acclaim, Davis, P. PETA: When Animal Rights Becomes Terrorism and Crime People Who Aren 't Treating Animals Ethically (2007) Retrieved from Associated Content, Hunters against Peta (2011) retrieved from website Hunters against Peta,