In this human world, wherever we turn there will always be conflict. No human is
perfect, and all humans err. Therefore we should understand that to err is only human, and to
forgive is divine. The ethical views expressed in the renowned bestseller novel, Lord of the
Flies, brings into perspective the ever changing external and internal conflict that lies within
each of us.
None of us can quite identify with and comprehend what is passing through another 's
mind, but we must make allowances for their doubting too. An example of this would be
found on page 19, after Ralph is nominated chief and the author states that even the choir
applauded; and the freckles on Jack 's face, disappeared under the blush of mortification,
(Golding, 1954). This also shows us that it is merely natural and human nature to display or
conceal feelings of jealousy and contempt for each other. A common aspiration that we all
seek to achieve, is the ambition to be somewhat of a perfectionist. Although we all desire to
obtain level of perfection; we must be able to understand that nobody in this human world is
perfect. For example, in the novel it is clear that however hard Ralph tries to be an ideal
chief, there are always several obstacles in his path which provide a number of difficulties.
On page 209, Ralph converses fearfully with Samneric about the things that had gone wrong
and how Jack took over the whole, unsuspecting tribe. Here Ralph states, "What have I done?
I liked him- and I wanted us to be rescued." In addition to that we should all be able to
realize that there is no utopia, in which we can live and survive alongside each other.
At the beginning of the book it was made poignantly clear as the young boys expressed
their carefree ways that they thought that an island without adults was absolutely perfect.
Little did they know what was in store for them. This information is displayed on page 31
where Ralph