The application of mental health, psychological or human development principles, through cognitive, affective, behavioral or systemic interventions, strategies that address wellness, personal growth or career development as well as pathology. 2. Counseling vs. Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is more internal, and deep. It is more focused on the past, whereas counseling is more focused on the present. In psychotherapy, insight is more important than change, and the therapist’s role is as more of an expert. Psychotherapy is also long-term, where counseling is usually more short term. Counseling focuses on the Wellness Model –understanding the person in their context (job/family/community) 3. Discuss what is meant by counseling being an Art?
Even though counseling techniques can be subjective and creative like an art, is still uses technique and strategies, and has standards that must be met. 4. ACA, CACREP, NBCC, APGA
ACA – American Counseling Association
CACREP – Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs
NBCC – National Board for Certified Counselors
APGA – American Personnel and Guidance Association 5. 4 personal qualities counselors should have
Ability to listen and be empathetic
Ability to have a conversation
Empathy and Understanding
Emotional Insightfulness
Capacity for Self Denial
Tolerance for Intimacy
Comfortable with Power
Goodwill – Do No Harm
Self Awareness
Maintaining Effectiveness
Remaining Objective
Accepting and Confronting Situations
Ability to Laugh
Intellectual Competence
6. Briefly discuss burnout and 2 ways to avoid it or lessen the likelihood it will occur
Burnout is the physical, mental and emotional exhaustions brought on by involvement over prolonged periods with emotionally demanding situations and people. Understand that you are there to support the client and lead them to