Stem Cellsethics science and
Stem Cells science and ethics
The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the UK’s leading funding agency for research in the life sciences, commissioned this booklet to help ‘A’ level and Higher/Advanced Higher students gain access to accurate and up-to-date information on stem cell research. The project was co-ordinated by Dr Jan Barfoot, the Scottish Initiative for Biotechnology Education through collaboration with the Institute of Stem Cell Research, MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine and the School of Law (SCRIPT), all based at the University of Edinburgh. The editors would like to express their thanks to the following people for their kind assistance with, and support of, the project: Authors: Dr Jan Barfoot, Dr Nina Bauer, Dr Donald Bruce, Professor Graeme Laurie, Dr Janet Paterson and Professor Mary Bownes (see ‘about the authors’); Funders: BBSRC; In kind support: The Darwin Trust of Edinburgh and the University of Edinburgh; Reviewers: Dr Clare Blackburn, Ms Ingrid Heersche and Dr Emma Longridge; Research: Ms Kaija Allikmets, Mrs Kathleen Pullen, Ms Tara Sarwal and Mr Fu Yang; Scientists who provided case study material: Dr Lesley Forrester, Professor Anthony Hollander, Dr Keisuke Kaji, Dr Sara Rankin, Professor Paul Sharpe and Dr Anna Williams; Support with glossary definitions: Ms Emma Kemp, Mrs Kathleen Pullen and the EuroStemCell and EuroSyStem Consortia; Development of activities: Dr Jan Barfoot, Dr Kate Millar (Ethical Matrix) and Dr Cathy Southworth (Stem cells, the heart of the matter); Images: Pictures in case studies courtesy of Dr Sara Rankin, Dr Lesley Forrester, Dr Anna Williams, Dr Keisuke Kaji and Professor Anthony Hollander. Special thanks to Ms Ingrid Heersche. Design and production: Pax-studio