"Evaluate the suitability of the emergent and intended approaches to strategic management for Oxfam."
Dominic McDonnell - 2003870
Seminar Tutor - Dr. Karen Quine
Word Count - 2,194
Throughout this paper I will be looking in-depth at two of the most well recognized strategic management theories, Intended Strategy and Emergent Strategy. I will be evaluating the suitability of the emergent and intended approaches to strategic management and measure the appropriateness of each theory using various academic models (such as PEST analysis, Porter's 5 Forces, Porter's Generic strategy) in order to consider the differing environmental contexts of my chosen organization - Oxfam.
There are many devised explanations of strategy and one solid definition is hard to find. Johnson (2005) identifies strategy as 'the direction and scope of an organization over the long term' and also suggests the way a strategy is implemented depends very much on the industry they are in and what the vision is for an organization.
Two academic views on strategic management approaches are seen as more significant and well recognized than others in this field. These are iconic theories of Henry Mintzberg and Michael Porter who argue differing views on the most effective strategic management approach for an organization. Mintzberg (1987) suggests an 'emergent' approach is more effective while Porter (1979) emphasizes a very much 'intended' approach. The views of both Mintzberg and Porter have been the calling point for many organizations in their strategic management approach but there is ongoing deliberation over which theory is the most relevant and effective in today's environment (Moore 2011). Although many theorists have varying labels for these two strategies, for the clarity of this essay I will be referring to them throughout using the titles 'Intended' and 'Emergent' strategy.
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