Evidence-Based Policing
Strayer University
CRJ100 008016
January 27, 2010
Evidence-Based Policing
This paper explores the subject of evidence-based policing. I will try to explain some advantages and disadvantages of evidence-based policing. I will also give two examples of evidence-based policing and summarize the impact of the studies.
Evidence-Based Policing The police work of fighting crime is not on easy tack and requires many strategies, techniques and skills. To find the way to a certain problem police use their evidences to conduct a research to try to solve it. By experimenting their ideas they can find out if the curtain approach to the problem does work or doesn 't. The one of the advantages of evidence-based policing is that it design to help fight crime. Evidence-based policing is design to find the best available solution to the problem and give other police officers in other reagents the information on how to deal with that problem. It creates certain rules and guidelines for the low enforcement agencies. There are defiantly some disadvantages to the evidence-based policing. One of them is usage of opinions, because evidence-based policing is strictly based on evidence it takes away importance of people involvement. If people can not express their opinion they lose interest and involvement. Another two disadvantages of evidence-based policing in mi opinion that police experiments are expensive and might take a long time to conduct. One of the examples that I was able to find on line is called The Flint Experiment. That experiment was conducted in 1977 and the goal of that experiment according to the National Center for Community Policing was to decrease the amounts of criminal activities and to increase the citizen 's perception of personal safety. The process of that experiment consisted of police officers patrolling the streets and not only fighting crime but
References: National Center for Community Policing,The Impact of Foot Patrol on Black and White Perceptions of Policing .Robert C. Trojanowicz, Retrieved on January 27, 2010. From : http://www1.cj.msu.edu/~people/cp/impact.html Office of Justice Programs. Kansas City Gun Experiment -- Kansas City, MO Retrieved on January 26, 2010. From:http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/pubs/ gun_violence/profile20.html Schmalleger, F. S. (2009). CRJ100: Criminal justice today: An introductory text for the 21stcentury (10th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.