One will rarely find a child who enjoys giving exams; the bright ones are under the stress of performing well every time, the average and weak ones are much stressed out to get through,
How useful are examinations anyway? That we need to assess kids is unquestionable. That students should be able to express and explain what they have learnt is also indisputable. But does the current assessment system provide the necessary tools for learning, is the point in question.
Often during exams children go through so much stress that many show symptoms of nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite and sleeplessness. Matters get lot worse during the board exams and there have been several cases where children have reportedly ended their lives, failing to cope with the pressure to do well. Much of this, however, happens at the at school level. The assessment patterns at higher institutions follow an easy pace, which is less traumatic.
Then why do we, in India, follow such a rigid Methodism for younger kids? Aren't the school years meant for creative learning? The Board results of Std X and Std XI, at best, help kids gain entry into a professional degree programme. But, in the long run, it is their professional grades that will matter. This very fact is enough to do away with the intense pressure children are put under due to the current methodology of school exams.
The international assessment system, which is a good working model, follows an individual pace of testing. Assessment may be in the form of write-ups, models, paper presentations and group