Identify the following individuals’ major contributions to science
Ehrlich – magic bullet
Hooke –cell theory and microscope
Jenner - cowpox
Lister- disinfectant (phenol)
Koch- kochs postulate
Lancefield- immunology to classify via serotypes
Linnaeus- nomenclature
Pasteur- pasteurization, vaccine, microbes in nonliving matter, aseptic techniques, fermentation. van Leeuwenhoek- described live organisms with Hooke’s microscope
Virchow- Biogenesis
Woese-established 3 domains
Distinguish between bioremediation and biotechnology remove pollutants vs produce foods and chemicals.
Identify the current classification system
Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya
Know the entire hierarchal order sequence and the definition for each level (Chapter 10)
For the highest classification level
How many groups are there? 3
Identify characteristics that pertains to each of them Archae Bacteria Eukarya
Cell wall- no peptidoglycan peptidoglycan contains carbohydrates membrane lipids- branched C chains straight C chains straight C chains attached to glyceol by ester linkage (all 3)
Know the rules for assigning a scientific name to a microorganism
Define specific epithet
The second part of a scientific name in Binomial nomenclature.
Be able to distinguish between the different eukaryotes discussed
Animalia: Multicellular; no cell walls; chemoheterotrophic
Plantae: Multicellular; cellulose cell walls; usually photoautotrophic
Fungi: Chemoheterotrophic; unicellular or multicellular; cell walls of chitin; develop from spores or hyphal fragments
Protista: A catchall kingdom for eukaryotic organisms that do not fit other kingdoms
Define properties of viruses
Acellular, consist of DNA or RNA core, core is surrounded by protein coat, coat may be enclosed in a lipid envelope, replicated only when they are living host cell.
Define and identify properties of biofilm
Microbes attach to solid surfaces and