25 May 2011
Ms Bridget Law
Personnel Manager
Melbourne Acting Academy
GPO Box 9967
Carlton VIC 3257
Dear Ms Law
I am applying for the position of a Trainee Drama teacher, which was advertised in the Leader Newspaper on the 22nd of May 2011. I would be well suited for this position as I find teaching Drama very fun, enjoyable, exciting and challenging.
I am interested in teaching and directing scenarios that are dramatic and sad, I find it a challenging to excite the audience and make them wonder what will happen next and at the same time make the actors\actresses have an enjoyable time on stage. I have gained practical experience whilst working in the acting department of the Australian institute of Dramatic arts as an amateur director for experience. This work experience gave me valuable insight into the psychology of actors\actresses and helped develop my teaching and directing skills. The feedback I have received from this work experience indicated that I was able to gain teaching skills quickly and enthusiastically. As part of my year 12 studies in Drama, I covered psychology and body language and achieved a credit in my final exam.
Teaching is an area of work that I enjoy and would like to learn more about. Working at the Melbourne Acting Academy, which has a very