Task: Develop a program fir the recruitment of a person to a new position in your organisation.
Your Position in this company
Welcome to Planet Green Solutions,
As a new Green Homes Assessor to Planet Green you will be given a range of responsibilities, most of these are as simple as entering data into an excel spread sheet, some as important as entering peoples homes an being the face of this company.
As a Green Home Assessor you will be expected to produce up to 5 bookings a day. As some of these bookings will fall through most likely you will be assessing 3-4 homes a day, but sometimes as much as 7.
Before you start assessing homes you must book in these leads with Association of Building Sustainability Assessors. Once you have finished your assessments you are expected to enter these into the government Green Loans database, using your assessor password and assessor identification.
While assessing homes you must fill out a risk assessment form and know your responsibilities. If at any point during your assessment it is your responsibility to tell the homeowner of the situation and that they must rectify it otherwise you will be forced to end the assessment on the spot. You are entering people’s homes on behalf of Planet Green and as such you are the face of Planet Green, you are expected to have an extreme amount of personal integrity and professionalism during assessments.
You only have two people you have to answer to during work, the director of Planet Green and the Green Loans manager. You will be required to make a variety of decisions on your own; essentially you have no supervisor except at the start and end of the day, this of course means you have a high level of responsibility and your actions must reflect that responsibility.
Why is this position