American Identity Core Values
President George W. Bush, in a speech about the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon, defined the core values of the US identity as: “democratically elected government, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other” (Christina Rowley, 2012, pg 178). Such a narrative clearly indicates the centrality of the national identity in US foreign policy. Freedom is at the root of American national Identity: free markets, free elections and human rights (Christina Rowley, 2012). Democracy is also a key value that Americans treasure, this means that the electorate and other forces play a role in influencing political outcomes (Matthew A. Baum, 2008), the American founders created a fragmented structure in order to allow different powers to check and balance each other (Daniel Deudney, 2012).
“American exceptionalism is based upon a number of core realities, including American military primacy, economic dynamism and political diversity “(Daniel Deudney, 2012 pg 25). American exceptionalism is a recurrent unified principle in American politics …show more content…
American national identity directly correlates with American exceptionalism. This concept plays an important role in the American society, it is the drive for their economic and military primacy. This drive to be exceptional and excellent is manifested in the policies adopted by American political actors and led the US to institute international organizations, wage war in other parts of the world in the name of democracy and pull out of multi-lateral agreements using its leverage also to negotiate special conditions on international