Ability to make people powerful
Influence process – leaders and followers work tgt to achieve shared objectives (team work) through change
Influencing – process of a leader communicating ideas, gain acceptance and motivate followers to support and implement the ideas thru change.
Effective leaders provide competitive advantage, make positive difference in lives of people, functioning of groups, success of orgn
Leaders make or break orgn
Can be good or evil influential leader (osama bin laden) – qualities of an influential leader
Can be based on:
Special role or shared influence process
Successful or not successful
Ethical or non-ethical goals
Reason or emotion
Direct or indirect
Very few …show more content…
Transformational Leadership: focus on changing the status quo by articulating compelling vision and enlisting follower support to reach it, move employees beyond narrow self interest to care for group/orgn, address concerns for fair exchange relationship
-economic factors
What transformational leaders do:
Inspiration motivation – articulate a vision
Idealized influence – model core values through words, actions and decisions
Individualized motivation – attuning approach to follower attributes and needs
Intellectual simulation – challenge followers to think and act in new ways
Authentic leadership – knowing, accepting, acting in accord with and revealing one’s true self (core values and beliefs)
Are self aware – understand personal qualities, purposes, values, beliefs, desires and place in community
Objective sense of weakness and negative qualities in addition to strengths
Behavioral integrity: action match values
Relational transparency – high accessibility, openness and self disclosure
Stewardship and servant leadership – empower followers
Stewardship: accommodating others to perform at their best for the orgn
Servant leadership: give top priority to other’s needs and their personal /professional growth
Purpose: teamwork, equality, empowerment, acknowledging contributions
Posture: respect, trust, listen, support,