We are likely unconscious incompetent. An example of this would be driving a car. We may think that we know some of the basics and therefore think it is going to be fairly easy to do. At this stage our confidence exceeds our abilities. This would involve going out in the car. At this stage there would be lots of different stimuli to filter and process.
2nd stage (Consciously Unskilled) – By this stage we have discovered that we need to learn the new skill i.e. learning to drive. We realise that others are more competent and are able to do things that we are struggling to do. This can feel demoralizing and may contribute to loss of confidence or even considering giving up on learning this new task. This is the stage where remaining positive is needed. This would involving going out in the car practising and repeating.
3rd stage (Consciously Skilled) – At this stage we know that we have acquired the skills and knowledge we need, i.e. to drive a car. We are now putting our learning into practice regularly and we are gaining even more confidence as we continue to use these new skills. We will still need to concentrate when we are performing these skills, i.e. driving the car, however as we get more practice and experience, these skills/activities become increasingly automatic. Driving the car is now sing less conscious