
Examples Of Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Examples Of Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird
Courage Appears from the Most Unlikely People
Courage, something that comes in many forms, hiding in every corner, but not always seen. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee portrays many forms of courage through the actions of her characters. The three characters, which from my perspective, revealed their courage via their actions within this novel are Mrs. Dubose, Jem and Atticus. Courage comes in many shapes and sizes and is often overlooked in the everyday individuals. One example is the courage displayed through the actions of Mrs.Dubose. She is perceived by Jem and Scout as a cruel lady who sits on her porch yelling insults at by passers in attempts to get a reaction. The children are unaware at that time that Mrs.Dubose is a morphine addict who is slowly
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One of the many examples of his courage throughout the novel is when Atticus defends Tom Robinson, a black man in a predominately white community accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white woman. Tom Robinson’s case places Atticus and his children in a perilous position due to the town’s racist views. Aware of the repercussions of the case, Atticus displays his courage as he is unable to refuse taking the case because of his morales even when advised not to. When Tom Robinson is put in jail and his life is threatened, Atticus sits outside the jail hoping to prevent his murder. One man against a mob, hoping to prevent an injustice from occurring. He stands his ground even though his life is placed in danger. During Tom Robinson’s trial, Atticus know his chances of a win are slim to none, but he proceeds. He realizes that he holds Tom’s life in his hands. If he fails during the trial, the resulting loss could cost Tom his life. Realizing what the stakes are, Atticus has the courage to proceed against essentially a stacked

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