
Examples Of Dehumanization In Slavery

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Examples Of Dehumanization In Slavery
Whipping and lynching were ways in which the slaveowners would dehumanize their slaves. “He would whip her to make her scream, and whip her to make her hush; and not until overcome by fatigue, would he cease to swing the blood-clotted cowskin.” Slaves were treated like animals. Frederick was punished because of defending his own rights. He said “I still made no answer, nor did I move to strip myself. Upon this he rushed at me with the fierceness of a tiger, tore off my clothes, and lashed me till he had worn out his switches, cutting me so savagely as to leave the marks visible for a long time after.” This relates to dehumanization by showing one of the ways in which slave owners kept people in bondage. This quote is evident to how Frederick …show more content…
This mush was fed to them the same way that it would be fed to pigs. “The children were then called, like so many pigs, and like so many pigs they would come and devour the mush; some with oystershells, others with pieces of shingle, some with naked hands, and none with spoons. He that ate fastest got most; he that was strongest secured the best place; and few left the trough satisfied.” Their only shelter were bags that used to hold the corn meal. There were no beds and it was very uncomfortable. Because of this, they were exposed to all the elements and some died. “I had no bed. I must have perished with cold, but that, the coldest nights, I used to steal a bag which was used for carrying corn to the mill.” As a child in slavery, they had almost no clothes. They had linen shirts, no trousers, and no shoes. “In hottest summer and coldest winter, I was kept almost naked‐‐no shoes, no stockings, no jacket, no trousers, nothing on but a coarse tow linen shirt, reaching only to my knees.” The adults had one set of clothes that were poorly made and uncomfortable, often making them hot in the summer and cold in the winter. “Their yearly clothing consisted of two coarse linen shirts, one pair of linen trousers, like the shirts, one jacket, one pair of trousers for winter, made of coarse negro cloth, one pair of stockings, and 16 one pair of shoes; the whole of which could not have cost more than seven dollars.”

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