Hours 1/5
15 November 2016
Argument Paper
Ethics is the study of ones feelings, laws, and social norms, it also is used to constantly examine some ones standards; ethics is also the continuous effort to study our own morals beliefs and our moral conduct. Earlier in the month we had read a book named Flowers For Algernon. It was about a man named Charlie (Age 37) that didn’t know how to spell, read, nor write. The doctors, Dr. Nemur and Dr. Strauss give him an operation that is supposed to make one smarter, but the operation was still not out to everyone in the public. Ms. Kinnian, Charlie's teacher, was told abut the operation and told Charlie about it. So on Charlie took the procedures before the operation, he had to …show more content…
If the surgery would have gone wrong the person to blame would be Miss Kinnian, she persuaded Charlie to do it. Charlie's friends didn’t turn out to be his real friends, especially after Charlie becoming smart. Instead of supporting him they all agreed to sign a petition to fire Charlie from his job. No one outside the lab wanted to be around him because of how different he was. Charlie also gained an unnecessary crush on Miss Kinnian. It interfered with a lot of the "Ethical Work". I feel like if Miss Kinnian wasn’t in the story, maybe just maybe, Charlie would have kept his 'smartness' a bit longer. In the story, the only "good" thing Miss Kinnian did was introduce Charlie to the surgery. That’s all we really needed her for, she was unnecessary to the story after that.
Although many people disagree that the surgery was ethical, because it was successful. But! It was only successful for a period of time. It was a scientific break through, yes, but they didn’t (nor even tried) to make the surgery permanent. They ignored the fact that Algernon died before Charlie could lose his intelligence. They didn’t tell Charlie the possible outcome after the