Examples Of Gender Inequality In The United States
In the modern United States of American society, there has been a huge disagreement on whether there is still inequality between men and women. From the late 1840’s till 1970’s woman have struggled to be counted as equal among men, to have the same rights that they have. Even still, to this day there are plenty of inequalities between men and women. One example of this would be in the workplace. It is said that women earn only 77 cents for every dollar that men make. Another statistic claims that women earn “only 72 percent as much as their male counterparts” (The Biggest Myth About the Gender Wage Gap- The Atlantic). From these facts alone, it proves that there is most definitely a system of inequality in the United States. This system of
inequality between men and woman is one that has been around since the 19th century, but it is one that needs come to an end in order for there to be true gender equality.