Transgender, which usually serves as a blanket term for many other nonbinary forms of gender, people face enormous repercussions for going against the binary. Society has continually devalued the lives of transgender individuals to the point of incidents that result in suicide or homicide. They are too often not seen as legitimate human beings or as an abnormality formed at birth. Ideas like these form the concepts of transphobia and how it works against trans people. Race has always played a huge role in transgender rights, ever since the Stonewall Riots in 1969. Although society has always given preferential treatment to white men or women, white transgender men or women still benefit from these privileges. Even today, many are not able to recognize the role black transgender people played in the Stonewall Riots. Since black bodies have always seen a disproportionate amount of violence faced towards them, this same violence extends toward black trans men and women. Instances of homicide against black trans people are many times given very low priority because of their race, economic position, or how female or male passing they …show more content…
Before the Agricultural Revolution, larger bodies were seen as more beautiful and normative because food sources were always limited. This then shifted as food became more available to everyone and the standard of beauty shifted to smaller, more petite bodies. These notions that smaller bodies are more superior or more deserving of respect is extremely sizeist though. Body size in relation to race has always been a huge problem, mostly lying between white and nonwhite women. The standard of beauty is seen as small, petite, and fair skin, which is highly noticeable when looking at today’s fashion marketing. One does not typically see black, curvy bodies in high fashion. Not only is there an ideal for small women, but so too for curvy