The media is one of the most powerful impacts on how individuals interpret others based on what is seen or heard, in effects causing implicit bias. Many individuals are not able to find how implementing labels on others comes from observation. A great example of this is through facts that each person is categorized into groups based on what they the way they look. Implicit bias are attitudes and stereotypes that effect behavior, decisions, and attitudes unconsciously. For example, the article “Intersectionality and Matrices of Domination” discusses the various categories that women of poverty fall under, which are race, social class, and gender. These categories play a vital role in determining how women’s life experiences will unfold. Patricia Hill Collins states that “intersectionality creates different kinds of lived experiences and social realties”, which couldn’t be any more accurate. The media often portrays those who receive welfare or any other type of government assistance as “lazy” or “unappreciative”, which isn’t the case most of the time. As long as there is a prevalent notion in our society that most people in government assistance are lazy and free loaders, we will never …show more content…
Children need to be taught the fundamentals of critically thinking before making the assumption of implicitly creating a label towards another person. To emphasize how faculty plays a role of implicit bias, is an example of an African American student who had gained the thought that she was not good enough based on the color of her skin. A young teenage student had a goal to be major in neuroscience and scheduled a meeting to meet with a counselor for guidance. Before the counselor has a chance to review the student’s grade transcripts, the counselor begins to address to the student to think of a more realistic major. Although the counselor meant to harm to the student, he embedded into his mind the stereotype of African American students are not able to accomplish a higher position but rather settle for something he believed the student could do. Furthermore, the student gradually embedded to her self-esteem that she was not able to accomplish her dreams but rather left her in doubt and scared for life. For this purpose, it is important to keep students in preparation of their hopes and dreams—to never shun students down based on the implicit bias carried in their mind. By this, it promotes acceptance and learning through examples of others to treat others as equally to eliminate