
Examples Of Jesus Behavior As Seen In Reading The Gospels

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Examples Of Jesus Behavior As Seen In Reading The Gospels
Jesus's Behavior as Seen in the Gospels While reading the gospels a lot is learned about Jesus and who He is, not only through the principles He was teaching about, but also from His behaviors and focuses. One behavior witnessed when reading the Bible is Jesus humility and kindness. After performing miracles, Jesus often retreated from the crowds of people to be alone and pray, glorifying and listening to God in all He did. Even when surrounded of people with high statuses, if someone from a low status would come up needing forgiveness and healing Jesus would leave the higher status people to help the person in need. Jesus forgave and healed even the leapers whom the town would not go near. Reading the gospels, much can be deduced through …show more content…
In the beginning of the chapter, Simon Peter told Jesus to go away because he was a sinful man and Jesus told him to not to be afraid and to become a fisher of men. Jesus did not choose the most righteous men to be His disciples, in Luke 5:32 Jesus said, "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" which is seen in those He healed and those who followed Him (NIV). Jesus shows His humility and character in helping those considered the social outcasts and sinners. His focus in Luke chapter 5 is not on the righteous but rather those who need healing or forgiveness, such as the man with leprosy and the paralyzed …show more content…
When Jesus told Levi to follow Him and attended a banquet with a large crowd of tax collectors, the Pharisees complained that He was breaking bread with tax collectors and sinners. Again, Jesus focus was not on the Pharisees and righteous but rather the sinners and tax collectors. His focus was continually drawn to those who needed Him, not the righteous and teachers of the law. His behavior displayed his humility and kindness in spending time with the sinners, trying to reach them and call them to repent, he was not too proud to be seen with societies

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