To begin , gay people should not be judged just because they are different from others or like people the same gender as them . For example ,¨ what the people think of being gay does not matter to the world, it is not a reflection of all religion people . Gay marriage is going to happen . It must .¨ by Lady Gaga . In other words , this explains how just because people are different they should not care what others think about them . That if people wanna be gay and get married they should go on and do what makes them happy they should not care what other people think and let them ruin their happiness . We are all humans and we all have feelings no one should should get in the way because in my society we should all have equal rights as being a human and do what makes us happy . …show more content…
For example , Chief Joseph stated “the earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it ¨. He is explaining that people do not get to choose what color they get to be because people are born with the race that god gave them . Just because they are a different color does not mean they should be treated different we are all human beings certain people shouldn't not be treated better or worse because of their color . He is also stating that everyone lives on the same plant and they are not any different just because they are black , white ,or