Excavation Safety
1926, Subpart P
Excavation Safety Program
The following excavation safety program is provided only as a guide to assist employers and employees in complying with the requirements of OSHA’s Excavation Standard, 29 CFR 1926, Subpart P, as well as to provide other helpful information. It is not intended to supersede the requirements of the standard. An employer should review the standard for particular requirements which are applicable to their individual situation and make adjustments to this program that are specific to their company. An employer will need to add information relevant to their particular facility in order to develop an effective, comprehensive program.
1926, Subpart P
Table of Contents
Excavation Safety Program
2. I. Objective
3. II. Assignment of Responsibility
A. Employer
B. Program Manager
C. Employees
4. III. Training
A. Training Schedule
B. Training Components
C. Training and Duties of Program Manager
5. IV. Excavation Requirements
A. Utilities and Pre-Work Site Inspection
B. Surface Encumbrances
C. Underground Installations
D. Protection of the Public
E. Protection of Employees
F. Exposure to Vehicular Traffic
G. Exposure to Falling Loads
H. Warning System for Mobile Equipment
I. Hazardous Atmospheres
J. Personal Protective Equipment
K. Walkways and Guardrails
L. Protection from Water Accumulation Hazards
M. Stability of Adjacent Structures
N. Protection from Falling Objects and Loose Rocks or Soil
O. Inspection by Program Manager
6. V. Protective System Requirements
A. Protection of Employees
B. Design of Sloping and Benching Systems
C. Design of Support, Shield, and Other Protective Systems
D. Materials and Equipment
E. Installation and Removal of Supports
F. Sloping and Benching Systems
G. Shield Systems
7. VI. Accident Investigations
8. VII. Changes to Program
9. VIII. Glossary
Excavation Safety Program