Do you typically do physical activity alone or with others? Participating in sports, running a 5K, playing games, or even going to the gym with other people is a great way to add fun to your routine. Using the weekend section of your local newspaper, a calendar of events from a local website, or other resources, you will identify several opportunities to participate in physical activity with other people and set a goal to participate in at least one of these opportunities.
Identify at least three opportunities to participate in physical activity with other people in your community. 1. A physical activity could be basketball 2. Another activity could be football 3. The last activity could be swimming
Goal: I aspire to make the track team no later than January 12. Date | Warm-Up | PhysicalActivity | Intensity (Light, Medium, or High) | Cool-Down | Minutes | 1/9/13-1/17/13 | Calf stretches, | Basketball | High | Calf stretches | 120 | 1/9/13-1/17/13 | Stretches | Swimming | Medium | jogging | 120 | 1/9/13-1/17/13 | jogging | Sprints | High | Walking | 120 | | | | | | Total minutes worth 40 points |
Reflections: (worth 20 points) 1. Did you meet your Sportsmanship goal? Explain why you did or why you did not meet your goal. Yes I worked hard and did a lot of sprints which helped my endurance and I made the track team 2. Explain some of the physical and other benefits you experienced when doing physical activities with other people. Benefits of physical activities with friends are I work harder because I want to beat my friends in the physical activity we do. Also they motivate me. 3. Explain some of the physical and other challenges you experienced when doing physical activities with other people. Some challenges I experienced when doing physical activity with friends was not being able to keep up with my friends in certain activities that was not use to doing 4. What personal, social, and ethical behaviors were required by the activity you participated in? Describe several rules or standards of etiquette you followed to display responsible behavior. The rules or standards I followed were playing team ball and having sportsmanship. 5. Did pursuing your Sportsmanship goal enhance your physical activity in any way? Why or why not? Pursuing my sportsmanship goal enhanced my physical activity in several ways because I had to do sprints, mile-runs, and swimming to bring my endurance up to do track activites.
Fitness Test Comparison: (worth 20 points) 1. Repeat the sit and reach fitness test from the Getting Started lesson. 2. Compare your original sit and reach result with your current sit and reach result. Write out your original score and status, along with your current score and status.
Original score 25 Current score 27 3. Did your results improve? Why or why not? Yes, my results improved because over the past year I have been doing exercise which has helped my flexibility. Also I got taller and have long arms.