Table 2.1 Previous Studies on Health Behavior
Literature Theory Key Conclusion
(Fishbein and Ajzen 1975)
TRA • Individual behaviors are determined by attitude and subjective norm
(Weinstein, 1993)
TRA • Expectancy–value Theory and cost–benefit analysis
(Becker, 1974)
HBM • Health-related action based on evaluations on the perceived threat and the net benefits
(Rogers, 1975)
PMT • Response costs represents perceived susceptibility
(Bandura, 1977)
PMT • Self-efficacy captures the degree to which one has the ability to perform the advised action
(Prentice-Dunn and Rogers, 1986)
PMT, HBM • PMT is a better theory than HBM for explaining health behavior
(Ronis, 1992)
SEU • Individual behavior is determined by evaluation of the expected utilities of alternative behaviors and the utilities of these behaviors
(Floyd et al., 2000)
PMT • PMT has been widely used as a theory to explain the adoption of health technology or services in health psychology …show more content…
Treating health technology acceptance as health behavior, kinds of health behavior theories can be used to explain this phenomenon. There are four important theories used to explain health behavior: health belief model (HBM), protection motivation theory (PMT), subjective expected utility theory (SEU), and theory of reasoned action (TRA). Table 2.1 shows the main content of these theories from literature