Family influences are often a major determinant of behaviour. The theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behaviour take family influences into account for health promotion interventions (McDougall 2001). The Theory of Planned Behaviour (Icek Ajzen 1980) helps to understand how we can change the behaviour of people. The TPB is a theory predicts deliberate behaviour because behaviour can be deliberative and planned. The theory of planned behaviour emphasises the role of attitudes and beliefs in behaviour change. The components are: Behavioural intention – perceived likelihood of performing behaviour, Attitude towards a behaviour – personal evaluation of the behaviour, Subjective Norm – Beliefs about whether key people approve or disapprove of the behaviour, motivation to behave in a way that gains approval. Perceived behavioural control – beliefs that one has, and can exercise control over performing the
Family influences are often a major determinant of behaviour. The theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behaviour take family influences into account for health promotion interventions (McDougall 2001). The Theory of Planned Behaviour (Icek Ajzen 1980) helps to understand how we can change the behaviour of people. The TPB is a theory predicts deliberate behaviour because behaviour can be deliberative and planned. The theory of planned behaviour emphasises the role of attitudes and beliefs in behaviour change. The components are: Behavioural intention – perceived likelihood of performing behaviour, Attitude towards a behaviour – personal evaluation of the behaviour, Subjective Norm – Beliefs about whether key people approve or disapprove of the behaviour, motivation to behave in a way that gains approval. Perceived behavioural control – beliefs that one has, and can exercise control over performing the