In this report I will be explaining 6 potential hazards that I saw in my health and social care setting. The health and social care I had my work experience in was a Nursing home.
For My work experience I worked in a nursing home. The residents living in nursing home does not have many abilities to do thing for them; they are dependent on the carer’s. The residents living in nursing home are aged between 80 to 105 years old.
Wheelchairs in the corridor:
Wheelchairs in the corridors are a tripping hazard, to avoid this hazard the possible thing we can do is that put the wheelchairs in a corner. People who are affected by this hazard are the staff, visitors, and the residents. To avoid this hazard I would have to make sure that the wheelchairs are put away in the store room and only take them out when needed, also for resident’s safety I would ask the maintenance person to check the wheelchair if it is secure for the residents to sit in. The potential harm and abuse for this hazard is that the person who gets hurt can fracture their knee. The wheelchairs should not be hazard for anyone who walks in the nursing home.
Pad boxes in the reception:
Pad boxes in the reception are tripping hazard, top avoid this hazard I would have to make sure that they are stored in a safe place. People who are affected by this hazard are the staff, visitors and the residents. The residents are really vulnerable so we have to protect them from these types of hazards. To avoid this hazard the possible thing I can do is, store the pad boxes in the personal and hygiene store and only take them out when they are needed; also I can do a risk assessment on the pad boxes to find out that they are not a risk for anyone in the future. The potential harm and abuse the pad boxes can cause is, the person who trips over the pad boxes can hurt their leg or possible get bruised.
Bags on the