Ucon and white pine is in district 91. Why my parents made me go there when there's a perfectly good school 50 yards away from my house Middle school the place that ancient egyptians would call the devil’s playhouse mainly because the things you hear and the things you see would be enough to make a full grown man weep for the future of the human race .
At the beginning of the school year I sat around and alone by myself at lunch at flex and everywhere in between. At lunch i would kneel at the end of the lunch table where all of the girls from Ucon elementary would sit. I would have some fun like going to the movies, but you do not need a friend to sit with at the movie and because i did not really have friends I would sit alone. Sometimes I would get so bored that I would be bored of being bored. If that is not sad then I do not really know what
is. But about halfway through the 7th grade school year I sat next to Brayden Hegsted a friend from Orchestra during lunch. Then I kind of just started sitting next to them it was really awkward and now whenever i talk about how i became a part of their group of friends I say i weaseled my way in. Then we started hanging out and having parties. But some of them (COUGH PETTINGALE COUGH) I think didn’t like me but i think i’m growing on them(/her). Track became a way for me to do sports and hang out with my friends except for the ones who didn’t do track (COUGH BRAYDEN COUGH).When I was on the Track team last year I would run boys hurdles and 400m and jump the boys running long jump. But back to my friends and track. So there is Sydney Pettingale And Savanna Fuhriman ( or as we say Furryman). Savanna is the fastest girl on the track team and she beat the school record for the 200m, but it was during the 4 by 200m so technically it didn’t count. Sydney Pettingale is more of a distance runner.