Low income and/or poverty have been associated with higher incidences of negative psychological, physical and academic consequences (though not applicable to every low SES child). Here are a few that show a positive correlation between low SES and the variables mentioned below.
Psychologically, children of low socioeconomic status tend to exhibit more aggressive behavior, represent higher incidences of anxiety, depression, ADHD and conduct disorders and represent a great percentage of attempted suicides.
Physically, children of lower income tend to become sedentary and lack adequate daily exercise. This is due to the lack of access to playgrounds, gyms and even healthy …show more content…
As a result, students tend to be less proficient in foundational math and reading scoring an average 10% lower than the national population. Another interesting statistic states that while national high school dropout rates have steadily declined, dropout rates for children living in poverty have steadily increased. In fact, over 60% of students in low-income school districts fail to graduate from high school.
While the statistics are routinely dim for the overall achievement of lower income and/or poverty stricken children, it is important to note circumstances don’t accurately determine success. There are wealthy individuals that experience negative psychological, physical and academic issues—it’s just the one SES that is more …show more content…
A family is made up of interconnected but interdependent individuals who all contribute equally to the overall functioning of their given unit. According to founder, Dr. Murray Bowen, each member has a unique, integral role to play and rules to respect. Within the boundaries of the system, an equilibrium (specific to each family) is achieved when certain family member's behavior is enacted accordingly with consideration to the feelings of themselves and the individuals around them. Nuclear family emotional system, differentiation of self, family projection process and emotional cutoff list 4 of the more important of 8 interlocking concepts of Family System Theory. For an example, being able to understand your dependence on your sibling for approval of looks (Differentiation of Self) can very well be attributed to how encouraging, uplifting and respectful your father acts toward you as a child needs to have a parent instill foundational