The first line of Genesis 1 is “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”
There is no explanation as to where God came from or why He is there, He just exists and creates the heavens and the earth. This alone is showing God as the creator.
Genesis then carries on to state all the things God created all with no scientific or physical proof or evidence as to why and how God is doing so.
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them”
This quote is from line 27 and is on the 6th day.
The repetition of the word ‘created’ is enforcing to the reader that God is the creator of everything and this is done so that there is no doubt in the readers mind whether God is the creator or not. God creating man and woman in his own image is showing that we are superior to other beings such as animals which shows that God is the humans superior. Being made in Gods image is his way of blessing the humans in life as we are made in the ‘Creators’ image.
“Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air…” This quote is saying that God is passing down his ‘ruler ship’ on to the humans. This means that God is starting to ‘back away’ from his previous role and now feels that he has created a world that the inhabitants (humans) can look after.
Genesis two is another creation story but has a few differences to Genesis 1. While Genesis 1 speaks a lot more of the specifics of how and when each part of the earth was