Water Aids also uses advertisement and marketing as a way of informing and attracting stakeholders. In its adverts it shows the work it is doing in order to gain stakeholders and donations. Wateraid also uses presentations to talk to and inform stakeholders about the work the business is doing. Also Water Aid communicates with its stakeholders on the ground when teaching and helping them.
Business communications are vital in the success of a business. Effective communications can make businesses more productive and more efficient. Effective business communication is using the right type of communication for the message the company is trying to get across. For example, when issuing a financial report, the appropriate method of communication is a written report. This is because it can be continually referred to and doesn’t have to be committed to memory. An oral presentation would have to be remembered and couldn’t be referred to making it inappropriate. On the other hand, when showing a new product, the more …show more content…
This comes with benefits and negatives when using it to achieve their goals. A hierarchical structure has levels of power. This means that one person cannot make crucial business decisions without it being checked and authorised. This means there is more security for the business because there is less trust and responsibility. On the other hand, hierarchical structure can result in a reduction in motivation this is because it can lead to jealousy between staff. The higher up the hierarchy you are the more you get paid. The people on less money can get jealous of this and work less. Also, because there are more restraints it can take longer for decisions to be passed. This means it can slow production and efficiency. Wateraid also has the same problems. However, the jealousy and reduced productivity is less of a problem because there are volunteers and locals who work for