Select one argument relating to abortion and discuss critically (6)
When the topic of abortion is discussed, people tend to assume one of two standpoints: “pro-life” (they believe that women should not have the ability to abort a human life because it would constitute murder) or “pro-choice” (they believe that the woman carrying the foetus should be given the right to decide whether to carry the baby to term or abort it). Although Americans are divided on the subject of abortion by these beliefs, most do not fall strictly on one side or the other and ultimately the majority favours restricted availability.
The history background of abortion goes back to the 1800's when laws forbid the act after 16 weeks of conception. By the early 1900's the act was completely outlawed but even at that, women were still having abortions. Back then the procedure was very unsafe but even with the risks involved there were those who still sought after corrupt physicians who would do the procedure. The procedure became legal in 1973 through a well-known Supreme Court case. But if we go back to the Biblical era, the old and new testament, some question why the bible is silent about abortion. The bible doesn’t mention the act of abortion because in those times it was an unimaginable act which mothers didn’t even begin to think about because a child was a gift from God as the Israelites strongly believed. In fact, if you weren’t ‘blessed’ with a child, you weren’t respected or honoured among the people. The biblical and the religious argument against abortion is to this day one of the strongest and most used arguments against Abortion for the two main reasons; God decides who lives and who dies and it is an act of murder to take away sacred life given from God. Different denominations of Christianity and different religions hold different views on abortion. The Church of England is opposed to abortion on moral and