Every school has a responsibility to share information with other professions such as the police, LA children’s social care and other legal obligations. When doing this you should always be open and honest to the child, young person and family as to why, when and whom the information will be shared with if appropriate. You should always seek agreement if it is safe to do so. You need to always …show more content…
The CAF is used by people who work in organisations including schools and children's centres and is used by practitioners in a wide range of settings and circumstances. The main aim is for everyone including children, young people and parents/carers to agree on the first steps and the different types of support that will help families work their way out of specific problems and resolve any difficulties, meeting everyone’s needs and promoting service provision to meet the needs identified. It helps to identify early intervention services which will then focus on improving the life outcomes for the child or young person involved. It provides agencies with the same baseline assessment from which more specialist assessments can be developed from this. CAF is a voluntary assessment so all parties involved will need to give consent for the assessment to start and must be fully aware and are clear on the process and what will