The hotel model is really a description of care which is disabling, taking over and doing everything for the person rather than promoting independence and being collaborative (working in partnership with the individual to establish the best ways of supporting that person). With the hotel model, a person can become institutionalised as they lose the ability to make decisions for themselves. Active support encourages a person to take their lives into their own hands as far as possible and live it fully and to their full potential.
1.2 Define the terms: a) Promoting independence b) Informed choice and c) Valued life.
To promote independence means to support a person to reach their full potential and really do as much as they can for themselves. Informed choice means making a decision when in full possession of all the facts and information. A valued life is one in which the person is given respect, dignity and privacy and is supported to make their own choices about what happens to them.
1.3 Explain how use of active support can promote independence, informed choice and a valued life.
You need to show that you develop and maintain relationships that promote the views, [ preferences and independence of individuals and key people By realising that the people I work with are adults and have a right to choose the way they are treated or cared for, take their medication and to decide if they need certain precaution measures. Finding a balance for those who wish to be, and letting them be as independent as possible, so long as that while doing so they do not put themselves or others at fatal risk. Coming to a mutual agreement over their care plans. You support individuals to communicate their views and preferences regarding their current and future health and well-being needs and priorities.